Explore RGS

Riverview Grade School (RGS) currently teaches about 212 students in grades PK - 8th. Our student to teacher ratio is 15:1, providing smaller class sizes and more individual and small group programming.

Graduates of RGS attend Metamora High School in Woodford County. Many of our alumni have gone on to be successful in their careers. Click here to meet some of our many successful alumni. If you or someone you know graduated from RGS and has gone on to be a success in their field, please contact us at riverview@rgsting.org. We’d love to include you on our alumni page.

Other RGS accomplishments include

  • Our 2018 8th grade girls volleyball team was the first Yellowjacket volleyball team in 42 years to go to state, taking 6th place in class A!

  • Another cool fact is that our Pete Mellen award in both cross country and track come from a former principal, Mr. Pete Mellen. He was a great man and a great principal!